Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Will my nail grow back and what do I do?

I got an infection in one of my nails called Paronychia, I went to the doc's and firstly they gave me antibiotic cream which did nothing so went back 5/6 days later and got oral antibiotics. I had to take them for a week and the infection cleared. Now, however, although the redness hasn't fully gone down, my main concern is the nail seems to be dying. All down the side where the infection was has gone yellowy colour and has started to lift and it is flaking away at the cuticle. I'm in no pain but I've been told if my nail comes off in this way it won't grow back. Please can someone tell me if this is true and what, if anything, I can do to prevent it coming off??!!! Many ThanksWill my nail grow back and what do I do?
If the nail bed has been damaged, the nail will not grow back. If not, it will. You will probably have to wait it out to see if the nail will grow again. Nails generally grow at the rate of about 1mm per month. One thing to remember is that the spores of the fungal infection can get into your shoes and re-infect your toenails. You will need to get new shoes, or at the least wear socks. You can try spraying the insides of your shoes with Lysol or another disinfectant.

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