Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why do people let their pinky finger nail grow?

Give 5 reasons at least, 2 are obvious, let's hear the others.Why do people let their pinky finger nail grow?
clean the wax out of their ears

snort drugs from

pick their nose

to poke in someone's eye

clean their teeth

clean their belly button

cause they think its cool

too uncoordinated to clip itWhy do people let their pinky finger nail grow?
1. Picking peanuts out of poo!

2. A weapon!

3. Sexual aid!

4. To stop you from doing the doctor evil impression!

5. Bigger nail varnish canvas!
to dig their nose

look cool

break it

break the world record

poke people
1) easier to dig the lint out of your belly button (one of the obvious ones i know)

2) easier to get those deep boogers tucked up inside your nose.

3) easier to pick in your crack.

4) to make all the other fingers jealous

5) used as a coke spoon

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