Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Does your actual nail grow back, once you let the white part grow out?

I've been biting my nails for who-knows-how-long and I have been letting the white part of my nail grow out. Will my actual nail size increase with time, or did I permanently stunt the growth of my real nail? (If the actual nail and white part of the nail don't make sense, I'm sorry. I couldn't really find another way to explain it)

Thanks :)Does your actual nail grow back, once you let the white part grow out?
If you stop biting your nails long enough, your actual nail bed should also grow out. But some people have a natural white tip to the end of their nails ( like a natural french tip).Does your actual nail grow back, once you let the white part grow out?
My sister who has been a nail biter her entire life just stop about a year ago. Shes 24. And she's been growing out her nails and they are about the size of short fake nails. Her nails are really strong too. It takes my nails two weeks to grow out the lengrh i want. The white part is about a fourth of an inch. If it still doesn't grow much in time you can always use a nailtreament that makes them grow. Hope this helped!
I think I get what you mean. Biting your nails is kind of like regularly cutting them, so I don't think it effected the growth too much. It's good that you're trying to stop biting though :]
yes, it grows back

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